When Your Racism Blinds You To Reality

Gallery - SCOTUS Meme

by Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Irony, i-ro-ny: Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.

How many times have you heard some Tea Party nitwit make the claim that President Obama is destroying our “American Way of Life?” It is a constant theme and the drum beat to whatever tune they’re singing. If they open their refrigerator and the milk is sour, it’s President Obama’s fault.

When unemployment was high, that was President Obama’s fault. Now that unemployment numbers have been dropping, well, those independent agencies that report on these matters, are fudging the numbers for him.

How many times have you heard some nitwit Tea Bagger declare, “I want my country back!” When I woke up this morning, I made a point to check on it and apparently it’s still here. Nevertheless, for some reason, they believe that this country has changed… and it’s all Obama’s fault!

A great number of so called Libertarians and Tea Baggers are simply appalled that two people who love each other, regardless of gender can make a lifetime commitment to one another and marry. This seems odd to me because I was under the impression that Libertarians enshrined the philosophy of absolute personal freedom so long as the exercise thereof does not negatively impact another.

“Obama’s coming for your guns!” How many times have you heard that one? Never mind the fact that your gun rights have actually been expanded under President Obama, nevertheless, that one sure gets people up in arms – literally – and hollering about the decimation of our Bill Of Rights.

The Irony? While they’re venting their spleens at President Obama, the United States Supreme Court – the majority appointed by Republican Presidents – has done more to change this nation from the comforting delusion they’ve embraced all their lives.

It wasn’t President Obama who signed an executive order striking down the Defense of Marriage Act which led to Gay people finally being able to marry. That was the U.S. Supreme Court. It wasn’t President Obama who struck down California’s Proposition 8 which took away the legality of marriages between same sex couples. That was the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Land Of The Free?” The Supreme Court has held that police can seize your DNA without you being even charged for a crime. The Supreme Court has held that the police can strip search you if they arrest you for a traffic violation. Perhaps you didn’t have your insurance card with you when you were pulled over?

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations have the same rights as an individual citizen. I’m 56 and this isn’t the America I remember growing up in. Hate the idea of everyone having health care – “Obama Care” – It was the Republican majority of the U.S. Supreme Court that declared “Obama Care” to be legal and Constitutional.

So, why aren’t the Tea Baggers taking a cue from the Occupy Wall Street Movement and marching on the U.S. Supreme Court? Because the real issue isn’t all the things they claim. Their real issue is, there’s a Black man in the White House. That’s what has really changed in this country and some of them simply have no idea how to deal with this fact.

When your racism blinds you to reality, your behaviours and your actions put your own self-interests at risk.

Justifying Racism – How Bible Passages Get Twisted

Justifying Racism - Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

There is only one Race on this planet… The human Race.

The Evolution Of Race

With the mapping of the human genome, the myth of race or ethnicity has been laid bare. Despite our outward appearances which are merely the result of the evolutionary process of adaptation to the climates of geographic location, there is no such thing as Race. We are all the same species. Our parts are interchangeable, thus should we need a heart or lung transplant, a Black, White, Asian is not limited to a donor from their same “Race.” Why? Because really, there is no such thing as race. Dr. Nina Jablonski gives an excellent presentation on this subject at a “TED Talks” presentation.

This is well worth the viewing and I will be referring back to it a bit later.

Define Race

This question is rarely if ever asked. Everyone simply assumes they know the answer. The reality is, in our culture, race is totally based on skin color. Skin color is entirely based on the geographic location humans evolved. Think about it. You can see evolution at work every year. In the summer, you get darker. Whether you’re “Black,” “White,” “Asian” or any other arbitrary ethnic genotype. In the winter, you lighten back up. These changes occur over the space of a few days or weeks at most.

Justifying Racism - Angle Of Sun's RaysWhat would happen if you/your family lived for generation after generation closer to the equator where the amount of sun you received was like a perpetual summer? Your family would grow darker and darker with each successive generation. Again, you see this process begin each summer. By the same token, if you were dark skinned and you/your family moved to northern Europe, over successive generations, your family would lose skin pigment and grow lighter. Why? Because you would be receiving less UV radiation from the Sun. This is because of the oblique angle the Sun’s rays strike the surface of the Earth in the northern latitudes. This is not theory, it is scientific fact.

Even the classic European features are adapted to living in a cold environment. Where it is hot, you want your nose to be wider to take in more oxygen. However, where it is colder, a narrow nose is more efficient to pre-warm the air you inhale. Most of the heat in your body is lost, dissipated through your head. More surface area is more efficient. Broad nose, thicker lips, curly hair helps to protect you from the heat of the Sun and dissipate the heat. In a colder climate, straight hair helps to form an insulating layer to keep heat in. Thin lips provide less surface area for heat loss.

Moving to a different location does not change your race. Over generations you may adapt to your environment – it’s what humans do – but you are still the same race you always were. Human.

Justifying Racism

The primary cause for the very notion of Races comes from people who were historically, anthropologically and archaeologically ignorant, attempting to understand Jewish mythology and take it as historical fact. You may want to read that again. What they fail to understand when reading Biblical accounts, is that the Bible was talking about families and tribes of people. Indeed, “family” and “tribe” are distinctions without a difference.

If you believe the Genesis myth, how many races of man did God create? When did he create a new race of man? At what point did this happen? The Garden of Eden story is what we call a “choke point.” Supposedly, the only two human beings on this planet were Adam and Eve. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were of one flesh. Thus, no other Races were created in the Garden, fair to say? The next “choke point” recorded in the Bible is the “Great Flood of Noah.”

The Great Flood Myth

Without going into all the reasons why this never happened, suffice it to say, prior to Cable News Networks allowing you to have a global perspective on events, if you look out your door and all you see is water, as far as you’re concerned, the entire world is flooded. The point is, following the Flood, there are supposedly only 8 human survivors. Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. If there had been any other “Races” that sprang up by magic, there were none after the flood. So again, there was only one Race on this planet.

A cottage industry has sprung up with people writing books and creating DVDs on the subject of the Nephilim. This comes from a passage in the 6th Chapter of the book of Genesis. It is an interesting story. According to these Biblical researchers, this story implies that humans were interbreeding with alien – or demonic – beings and it is this corruption of the human bloodline which causes God to send the flood to cleanse the Earth. According to the story, the Nephilim were giants. They were more than human with super human abilities.

In their narratives, they explain all the megalithic structures by pointing to these Nephilim. The Great pyramids and the pyramids around the world are all works of the Nephilim according to these researchers. They sell a lot of books, give a lot of speeches and make a lot of money. They also tie up all historical loose ends quite neatly. One might overlook the fact that the only places where these Nephilim built all these megalithic constructions were where Black and Brown people lived. The not so subtle implications are that people of color couldn’t possibly have possessed a technology that White people cannot duplicate or figure out today! So, to preserve the White psyche, it is much more attractive to theorize that space aliens or demonic beings and their hybrid offspring did these great works. Ironically, they rarely ever reference Stonehenge in their conjecturing. Why? Because that megalithic site is in Europe. Those White people were simply clever!

Justifying Racism - David and Goliath

David and Goliath. But I thought all the giants died in the flood?

What everyone seems to miss is, there were giants after the flood! Since the Bible says that all living flesh was destroyed by the flood except for that which was on Noah’s ark, where did these giants come from? If God was trying to destroy the Nephilim and their hybrid offspring, what a waste! It really makes God out to be incompetent! All that death and destruction and he still did not achieve his ends.

Noah’s Three Sons

In Genesis 10, yet another place people like to point to and declare this is where the various races come from, we are told that each of Noah’s sons became the fathers of various nations. Japheth was the father of the Gentiles. Shem was the father of the Shemitic or Semitic peoples and Ham was the father of the African people. There are two things that are important to note. The first is, Noah’s sons were all of the same race. So, you’ve got a problem saying that their offspring who would all be cousins in the same family, suddenly became different races. The second glaring problem is, they left out quite a few ethnic groups that we recognize as races today. Whom was the father of the Asians? How about the Native American people?

Of course, at the time this myth was put together, these people were unknown. There are a few often overlooked other points such as, the descendants of Ham – Black People – are not Gentiles. Only the descendants of Japheth – Europeans – are Gentiles. Ever hear of the Ashkenazi Jews? Ashkenaz was a descendant of Japheth and thus a Gentile. Thus, an Ashkenazi Jew is something of an Oxymoron. I may explore this little problem in a future article.

So we have three sons from the same father, same bloodline, same race – human – supposedly being the progenitors of all the different arbitrary racial distinctions we make today. In a word, nonsense! Everyone present on the planet at this mythical point in time was of the same “Race.” My parents had 3 sons and 1 daughter. We all have different personalities, different interests and different abilities. We are all the same “Race.” We have the same parents and we are of one family. 

What about skin color? At the time of Noah, everyone had Black skin. There were no White people on the planet. If you need to, read that again. This is not theory, this is scientifically proven fact. If we place the “Great Flood” in time, based on the lifespans – generations – listed in your Bible, mankind had not yet left northern Africa and the Mediterranean. This means their skin was still adapted to high UV light.  White skin would not develop until mankind spread into the northern regions of the planet. Thus, Noah, Ham, Shem, Japheth and their descendants were all Black skinned people.

Kemet The Land Of The Blacks

Justifying Racism - Pyramids Of GizaYou are probably more familiar with the Greek name for Kemet, “Egypt.” Kemet is very important to human history. First let me dispel some popular myths. Back in the 70’s when President Carter was brokering a lasting peace between then Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli President, Menachem Begin, they had all met in Egypt and President Sadat was giving them a tour of the Pyramids of Giza. As they’re walking along, President Begin looks up at the Pyramids and remarks, “these remind me of the suffering of my people.” At which, President Sadat turned to him and informed him, “your people didn’t have a damn thing to do with these!”

President Sadat was of course correct. Based on the Bible and the Torah’s representation of time, the Pyramids were built long before Abraham the Jewish patriarch was born. It is beyond the scope of this article to go into all the proofs that show that the whole Hebrew bondage in Egypt and the Exodus story is a myth. Nevertheless, suffice it to say, at any conceivable placement in time for Moses and the Hebrews being in Egypt, the Egyptians were a Black African people. The first European presence in Egypt came about when Alexander the Greek conquered Egypt.

Justifying Racism - Coat Of Many ColorsWhy is this important. It is important for two reasons. Let’s explore the first. Remember the story of Joseph being sold into bondage in Egypt. This is the whole “Joseph and his technicolor dream coat story.” Joseph has these dreams. His brothers become jealous and plot to get rid of him. He winds up in Egypt and rises to become second only to the Pharaoh.

Here is the point you need to pay attention to. Famine was in the land and Jacob – Israel – sent his sons into Egypt to purchase grain for the family to eat. The brothers had to present themselves before Joseph to buy grain. They did not recognize him standing alongside the other African Egyptians. Had Hebrews been light skinned or fair of complexion, Joseph would have stood out like a sore thumb standing beside the other Black skinned African people. If nothing else, it would have caused his brothers to scrutinize him closely and I’m certain that recognition would have set in.

The next story I want to direct your attention to concerns the story of Moses and the Exodus. If you will recall the whole “burning bush” affair, God sends Moses back to Pharaoh with the message to let his people go. Moses asks why would Pharaoh believe him and God gives Moses several signs. One of those signs was for him to put his hand into his shirt, pull it out and it would become all white and leprous. Think about that for a moment. A White man putting his hand in his shirt and pulling out a white hand wouldn’t really cause much sensation. The Bible specifically says that his hand turned leprous as snow. In other words, white. Clearly Moses wasn’t White to begin with. In fact, nobody in the area was White.

Tribalism Not Racism

Justifying Racism - 10 Commandments Movie

Charlton Heston as Moses

One of our biggest problems with understanding ancient texts, whether it be the Bible, the Torah, Sanskrit you name it, is that everything we read, we filter through the lens of modern understanding and prejudices. Most people when they think of ancient Egypt, are visualizing a Cecil B. DeMill fantasy. Yul Brenner as Pharaoh and Charlton Heston as Moses. The movie, “The Ten Commandments” was so divorced from reality, they might as well have begun it with, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”

Back then, no one had any concept of what we now call Race. Since everyone had the same skin color, what was important was where you lived and or which family you belonged to. Conflicts arose over resources. Water, land to grow crops, access roads etc. If you lived in Egypt, you were considered Egyptian. If you lived in Babylon, you were Babylonian. If you lived in the land of Canaan, you were a Canaanite. Where you lived determined the style of your clothes, your armaments and your accent. If you were dressed like a Greek and either spoke Greek or spoke with a Greek accent, you were considered a Greek. Skin color was never an issue.

Dawn Of The Neanderthals

There actually was a time – not long ago as geologic time goes – when there was more than one race on this planet. This was the period when there were Neanderthals. As it turns out, it may be that the gene for white skin comes from Neanderthals. Thus white skinned people are white because of they are closer to Neanderthals than people of color. This certainly would explain their propensity for savage brutality. It turns out that white people have 4 – 5% Neanderthal DNA in their genome. Africans have hardly any and other people of color have anywhere from 1 – 2%.

4 – 5% may not seem like a lot, but when you have 1.1 billion pieces of DNA, and when just one piece can determine your eye color, you can have quite a few instructions contained in that 4 – 5%.

The Geography Of Skin Color

Justifying Racism - Map Of Indigenous Skin Colors

What color is your skin? Which latitude did your ancestors come from?

The simple fact is, human beings need vitamin D to live. The further north or south you go on the surface of the Earth, the more oblique the angle of the rays of the Sun. You do not require the protection of Melanin. You need as much sunlight penetrating the layers of your skin as possible to create that vital vitamin D. Thus, we see that the further one goes into these upper northern and lower southern latitudes, the lighter their skin becomes. It is a human adaptation, not a change in race.

The sad truth? If all people of color suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth, leaving only white people, there would be a new definition of race. Blond haired, blue eyed white people would become the models of perfection and they’d begin discriminating against their dark haired and dark eyed counter parts. How do we know this? It has already been done in the United States of America. As each new ethnic group immigrated into the United States, they were at the bottom of the social order. They discriminated against the Irish, and the Italians when they first arrived, even though both the people doing the discriminating and the victims of this discrimination consider themselves to be white.

Religion and Discrimination

Justifying Racism - Pope Nicholas V

Pope Nicholas V

It is a fact that the Bible has been used to condone and justify some of the most horrific genocides in human history. In almost every instance, the victims were people of dark complexion. The holocaust of the African Slave trade was started by the Catholic church. In 1452 Pope Nicholas V penned his “Papal Bull” known as the “Dum Diversas.”

“”We grant you [Kings of Spain and Portugal] by these present documents, with our Apostolic Authority, full and free permission to invade, search out, capture, and subjugate the Saracens and pagans and any other unbelievers and enemies of Christ wherever they may be, as well as their kingdoms, duchies, counties, principalities, and other property […] and to reduce their persons into perpetual slavery.”

For the first time in recorded human history, perpetual slavery was created. For the first time in recorded human history, a baby could be born into slavery, grow up a slave and die a slave having never known freedom. During the period that the African Slave trade was in progress, 100,000,000 million Africans were murdered before they ever made it to the auction blocks. This doesn’t include the 100s of millions who survived to be sold into slavery and live out their lives in misery.

Hitler amongst his other delusions, used as a justification for creating the Jewish holocaust, the notion that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus. Many Christian nations – the Catholic Church included – were content to look the other way. You can get away with quite a bit, if you use the Bible to justify whatever it is you’re trying to do. The irony is, Hitler looked more like the people he was murdering than his idea of the ideal genotype of blond hair and blue eyes.

Why We Identify With A Racial Group

The delusion of racial typing confers upon certain groups by accident of birth, the presumption of traits and abilities that one neither has to earn nor achieve. Thus, Jews are good with money, Blacks are good athletes, Asians are smart in school and so on. This even carries over into human sexuality. There are myths about white, women, Black women, Asian women, indeed women of all nationalities that are just that… MYTHS! The same should be said for males.

Thus, we limit the human race by embracing these delusions which cause us to squander the most valuable resource on this planet… the human resource! We don’t fund inner city schools because those students are minority students. The mind that may contain the cure for cancer or the solution to a faster than light drive, allowing us to leave this solar system, never gets developed because of racism. We simply can no longer afford racism. Our continued survival depends on the realization that there is only one race on this planet and that race is the Human Race!

DNA Apocalypse – Scalia Gets It Right.

DNA Apocalypse - Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

DNA Apocalypse - Mayan Calender

Mayan Calender

As a rule, I am not moved by the prophets of doom who quite regularly predict the end of the world, the second coming of Christ or whom point to such historical artifacts as the “Mayan Calender.” When you carve a calender in stone, you’re going to run out of rock sooner or later. Not to mention, the Mayans didn’t see the Spanish coming.

However, just the other day, something happened that actually caused me to entertain the possibility that I may need to reconsider. We just might be living at the “End Of Days.” I’m talking about the recent Supreme Court case upholding the right of the police to collect DNA from people who they’ve arrested but have yet to be convicted of any crime.

Needless to say, I believe the Court to be in error. The ruling allows a grievous invasion of privacy and violates 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, my views notwithstanding, what caused a disturbance in the Force – to borrow a Star Wars phrase – was that Justice Antonin Scalia came down on the right side of the issue and actually wrote the dissenting opinion with the three other liberal Justices!

DNA Apocalypse - Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas is of NO value!

For me, it was not unlike awaking to discover that while I slept, the Sun had started rising in the West and setting in the East! After this, all it would take to have me dispose of my possessions, put on a robe of sackcloth, cover my face in ashes, wear a placard and begin passing out tracts announcing the “End Of The World,” would be for Clarence Thomas to speak up in deliberations and actually make an intelligent contribution to the discussion.

DNA Apocalypse

The reality is, we are living in an extremely dangerous time. Our technology has far outstripped our morality, our laws and our spiritual development. One of the most profound discussions on this issue, believe it or not, is contained in a movie. A work of science fiction. Yet, the truth spoken rises to the level of prophetic.

We’re so preoccupied with whether or not we can do something, we forget to consider whether or not we should! The field of genetic engineering through the manipulation of DNA poses an even greater risk to life on this planet than the threat of “Global Thermal Nuclear War.” I am not being melodramatic when I say we could be facing an imminent DNA Apocalypse.

DNA Apocalypse - Dead Bee

If the Bees go, we’re next!

Each year we’re losing 1/3 of our honey bees in what they’ve termed Colony Collapse Disorder. I suppose it is less threatening when you simply refer to it as “CCD.” Makes it sound like a computer chip in a video camera. Thus you can talk about it and most people won’t even know what you’re talking about. You should be afraid… very afraid! Bees are our pollinators. They are necessary for many of the fruits, nuts and vegetables we rely on for sustenance. When the Bees go, we’ll be right behind them.

DNA Apocalypse - MonsantoWhy are they dying? Again, like the Global Warming debate, we pretend that nobody knows. They’ll talk about correlation not equalling causality. However, you can trace the genesis of this problem back to Monsanto and other firms coming out with genetically designed crops that will grow in chemically treated soil. This chemical treatment kills weeds and bugs. Let me take this further. The pesticide is in the crop and when a bug eats it, it dies. Would you spray your food with Raid or Black Flag and then eat it? In essence this is what you’re doing when you consume genetically modified food or “GMOs” as they’re called. These chemicals are collecting and concentrating in your body.

There is little doubt in my mind that many of these new chronic ailments we’re being bombarded with commercials from our friendly pharmaceutical industry about, are directly related to all these genetically modified foods. I try and eat organic whenever possible. Even organic milk tastes different. The first time I drank a glass of organic milk, I exclaimed, “this is what milk used to taste like!”

DNA Apocalypse – The Darker Side

DNA Apocalypse - Chemtrails

You should look up sometime…

Our military industrial complex explores the weaponization of all new technologies. DNA technology is no different. What if there was a way to design a disease with your name on it? It would be the perfect assassination tool. Keyed specifically to your DNA, one of those planes you see, spraying “chem-trails” could fly over the city where you live and within a few days you’d become sick and die. Perhaps some of your family members who shared a similarity in DNA would get the sniffles, but that would just provide cover for the true target… you! Guess what, it’s already here!

DNA Apocalypse - DNA strandRight now the Secret Service guards the President’s DNA. Our clandestine services have also made a point of collecting the DNA of every Head Of State they can get their hands on. Suppose Hitler had access to this technology? What do you think “the mapping the human genome project” is really about? What if someone decided to create a virus that only pure blood white people would be immune to? For one, they’d be surprised because the human race is now so mixed, many people who believe they’re Caucasian or African or Asian really have a genetic signature that includes numerous other races.

DNA Apocalypse - Dr. Henry Louis GatesDr. Henry – Skip – Gates has a project to help people find their ancestry using their DNA. All his life he has believed that he is Black and believed he would find the most significant of his families origins in Africa. Much to his surprise, according to his DNA he is 51% Caucasian and his roots trace back most directly to Ireland. You just never know.

DNA Apocalypse – Unimpeachable Evidence

DNA Apocalypse - Fingerprint CardWe all have watched CSI or one of its numerous variants. DNA evidence is the “gold standard.” Or is it? NEWS FLASH!!! Evidence can be planted. We have had cases where police departments planted fingerprint evidence. Even government agencies such as the CIA have been caught red handed planting finger print evidence. Guess what! It is even easier to collect your DNA without your knowledge and plant it.

DNA Apocalypse - Computer Keyboard Dump

It’s just this easy!

Do you work at a computer terminal? All I need to do is take a sheet of cellophane, spread it out, take your keyboard, turn it upside down over the cellophane and give it a tap. All sorts of debris with your DNA will be collected on that sheet of cellophane. Comb your hair in the bathroom during the day? All I have to do is follow you in and pick up a few of your hairs off the floor.

Whether or not you believe O.J. Simpson murdered his ex-wife and Ron Goldman, the reason he was acquitted of those crimes was because the L.A.P.D. were caught in the act planting blood evidence. Most people didn’t actually get to watch the entire trial gavel to gavel. I actually did.

DNA Apocalypse - Blood Vial

When they’ve got your blood… they own you!

The lead homicide investigator, after blood was drawn from O.J. down at the police station, instead of walking it down the hall and checking it in as evidence, put the vial in his pocket and took it back to Simpson’s home. They got caught by their own police photographer. He had taken pictures of the foyer earlier and there clearly was no blood on the floor. A few hours later he was asked to take additional pictures of the area and suddenly two small drops had appeared.

Yes, you really should be concerned about the police collecting your DNA! Damn! It is frightening when Antonin Scalia gets it right!