Gun Control Unmasked

Gun Control Unmasked Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Gun Control Unmasked

This past week we’ve experienced yet another massacre caused by a deranged gunman. I probably don’t need to describe the event because it follows an all too familiar script. Madman gets gun. Madman goes to public building where the people are unarmed. Madman shoots as many as he is able. Madman dies before he can be examined or brought to trial.

Gun Control Unmasked - Aaron Alexis

Aaron Alexis

The case of Aaron Alexis and the Washington DC., Navy Yard shooting is still unfolding. The paucity of actual facts has not in any way inhibited intrepid reporters and pundits from filling dead air with their theories and conjectures. I am not purporting to give you the facts. From my perspective, we really don’t know the actual facts. Mr. Alexis – possibly because of his work in the computer technology field – had no Facebook or Twitter accounts. His LinkedIn page was deleted some time before the shooting. To put it mildly, the absence of the normally plowed information sources, has frustrated news reporters who have forgotten how to really research a story. That whole “burn the shoe leather” thing seems to have most of them perplexed.

What Has Been Reported Thus Far

The picture we’ve been given has all the familiar disturbing elements. Like Adam Lanza of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, we’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was being treated for PTSD he acquired when he was a volunteer, searching for survivors in the aftermath of the 911 attacks. Thus both were under some form of psychiatric care. Like Adam Lanza’s addiction to video games, we’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was addicted to violent “first person shooter” video games. Both Lanza and Alexis were found with 3 guns. In both instances, the gun which supposedly did the majority of the killing was a semi-automatic AR-15 assault style rifle.

Why Aren’t They Vilifying The AR-15 This Time?

Here is the point that is unmasking the entire “gun control” argument! You see, according to current reporting, Aaron Alexis went and legally purchased a 12 gauge shotgun. Evidently, he was following Vice President Joe Biden’s advice?

What did he do with it? He traded up! When he arrived at the Washington DC., Navy Yard, he used his shotgun to shoot the guard, then relieved him of his handgun and his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. This is a common strategy used in many “first person shooter” video games. Kill your opponent, take his weapons. At this point, properly equipped for mayhem, Alexis commenced his rampage. Because of the policy of not allowing the people working in the Navy Yard to be armed, it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Yes The NRA Is Crazy Too

Just this past week, Iowa gave a concealed carry permit to a blind man. Although I am definitely pro-second amendment and a strong advocate for gun rights… I do believe that whole “…shall not be infringed part.” Nevertheless, I tend to draw the line at people who are incapable of perceiving a “sight picture” carrying firearms. It was a golden opportunity for the NRA to express some rationality by addressing this issue in a mature and intelligent manner.

That said, unless you have training in “Special Ops” particularly, “Search and Destroy Combat Training,” had you been armed and at the Navy Yard that day, your best bet would have been to barricade yourself in as safe a place as possible and with gun in hand, wait for either the cavalry to arrive or for the shooter to come to you. Armed, at least you would have a fighting chance. It is not about being Rambo, it is about having a say in whether or not you’re a victim.

In Other News

Gun Control Unmasked - Times Square Shooting

Yes, the “walker” belongs to the victim.

This week two of “New York’s Finest” shot two innocent bystanders while shooting at an “emotionally disturbed” man who was running away from them. Why is it that Gun Control advocates who have touted the need to make ordinary citizens jump through all sorts of arbitrary training and licensing hoops, are mute about this case? Had this been some “gang bangers” doing a “drive-by” and shooting two innocent bystanders, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell would have been all over this ad nauseum. They both would have been banging their drums and ringing tambourines in their shamanistic rituals to conjure up the minor deities devoted to public disarmament. Unfortunately, they fail to realize those deities wear two hats. Their other hat identifies them as the demons of the totalitarian State.

This Is Gun Control Unmasked

The simple truth is, the ultimate objective of the “gun control” movement must be an outright banning of all firearms. Even those in the hands of our military and law enforcement officers. Guns are simply tools. Like any tool they may be misappropriated by people you never intended to have them. I close by leaving you with one of the best music videos Joe Biden was ever featured in. The musical version of his “buy a shotgun” advice. Enjoy!

Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Addendum)

Gun Control Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Addendum)

In Part IV I addressed various “false flag” operations conducted by or allowed to happen by our Government to achieve a political end. Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin to name but two. With regard to the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton Connecticut I pointed out several disturbing inconsistencies in the official story as it evolved over the course of several days.

At the time I was writing Part IV I had no idea that this additional information was out there or that it would come to light so soon on the heels of my finishing the series. Indeed it was almost as though what I was writing was leading up to this new piece of information. First let me say that I am not, nor can I vouch for the absolute veracity of this information. I am still researching it. Thus far, it is holding up. That does not mean it is completely factual. I present it here for your review with the caveat that you should look at it skeptically. Never swallow anything you cannot chew. However, when one sets upon the search for truth, one must be prepared to look everywhere, examine everything and be open to all possibilities. Without further ado:

I am sure you probably found this shocking. Why would anyone do something like this? Whomever posted this must be a terrible person. Yet, if there is even a shred of truth in this, whomever is behind the deception must also be a terrible person.

My investigation has verified the web sites referenced and the pictures posted. They are out there on the Internet and you can find them if you search for them. I have not yet been able to verify the creation dates of the several web sites. They have not appeared in the various web archiving services as of yet. This is one of the reasons why this is still in my “gray box.”

What about computer errors in dating? Possible but unlikely. Google’s servers would not simply give an erroneous creation date for just one site. If Google’s clocks were off, they’d be off for every site they crawl. It would have been thoroughly discussed across the Internet and fixed immediately.

As a father who has lost a child to murder, I can tell you from personal experience, when it happened, my wife and I were in a deep, dark, pit, surrounded by thick, inky black fog. All we had to cling to was each other. Neither of us were in any position or condition to speak to the press or create a memorial web site. Our son was in his 20’s. I can only imagine the loss of a much younger child would have been exponentially worse.

When you add up the anomalies:

  • Day One – Two handguns, a Sig and a Glock being used.
  • Day One – Bushmaster AR-15 found in back of car.
  • Day One – Principal and Psychologist shot execution style.
  • Day Three – Bushmaster AR-15 used, not the handguns.
  • Day Three – Principal heroically tried to disarm the gunman.
  • Computer hard drive removed and destroyed.

It becomes readily apparent that there is more, much more going on than what we’ve been told. Had the Bushmaster AR-15 been used, they would have said so. It is what it is. Why wouldn’t they say so. It is impossible to mistake a rifle for two handguns. Had the AR-15 been used, it would have fit precisely the scenario certain factions wish to portray. If gun control is your agenda, the AR-15 certainly is the bogeyman you’d want to point to. The fact it took them 3 days tells me that the story on Day One was the correct account.

Is the video you just viewed factual? I do not know. However, it is worthy of consideration and should be used as another data point in your quest for the truth.


Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Part III)

Gun Control Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Gun Control Versus Mind Control

If you have not read part 1 and part 2, you may want to do so to get up to speed. In part 2, I showed how the conscious mind acts as a firewall for the subconscious mind. I also showed how easily it may be hacked, thus leaving one’s subconscious mind vulnerable to suggestion. The subconscious mind does not discriminate unless it is told to. It acts as a super computer that processes any and everything.

Chocolate CakeFor instance, when you’re in your dream state dreaming about eating a piece of chocolate cake, as far as your subconscious mind is concerned, it is really happening. The same parts of your brain light up in the exact same way as if you were awake and eating a real piece of chocolate cake. This begs the question: what is reality? As far as your subconscious mind is concerned, the definition of reality becomes murky, rather quickly.

Another Way To Hack The Firewall

We’ve already addressed hypnotic techniques which are used all the time. Remember, hypnotic induction is merely distracting the conscious mind by getting it to focus on the distraction while the real message is implanted directly into the subconscious mind.

Ever notice that car commercials and other advertisements directed at men, always prominently display an extremely attractive female. She really has little if anything to do with the product being sold. She is the distraction. “Focus on her while we talk to your subconscious mind.” No you didn’t fall into a trance, but you don’t have to. A couple of weeks, a month maybe, if you’re thinking about purchasing a car or something they were selling, you won’t remember the commercial, you won’t remember the female however, their product will pop into your mind. Advertising agencies know this and that is why billions of dollars are paid for advertising campaigns.

There is even something much more sinister you need to be aware of. Subliminal messages buried in commercials, movies, video games and television shows.

Subliminal Messages

To the uninitiated, this will seem strange and unbelievable. Yet, you can find them most everywhere. What follows is a brief video clip showing you a few examples of where and how these messages are placed.

Consider, everything in a Disney movie is animated. This means that the people doing the animation have complete control over the finished product. Every shadow, every sparkle every dot of light from a twinkling star, it’s all by design. I selected one of numerous examples using Disney. If you’re interested in what all is out there, Google and YouTube are your friends.

The Subconscious Mind Uses Symbolism

The conscious mind deals in the literal and specific. Put another way, it reads what’s on the line. The subconscious mind deals in the symbolic. It reads what’s between the lines. Often, much more is contained between the lines than what is contained on them. Quite often, the subconscious mind is noticing things and receiving messages that the conscious mind is blissfully unaware of.

Shameless Product Placement

Notice what the judges are drinking? Notice that each container is turned so the viewer can read the brand and logo?

Have you ever noticed the subliminal technique of advertising used in television and movies called product placement?” Once you begin to look for it, you’ll never watch a movie or television show in quite the same way again. One of the television shows I watch from time to time is “NCIS-LA.” If you’ve watched it, have you ever noticed that the only cars used by the characters are Chrysler products? Dodge Chargers, Challengers etc. Whenever an actor takes a sip from a beverage, they always show what product he/she is drinking.

Apple Product Placement

I wonder what brand computer he’s using?

If a computer is used, the brand will be prominently displayed. At one time, you got the impression that the only laptops out there were Apple products. Now I’m seeing HPs and Dells. If a product can be worked into the script, be it coffee, Oreo cookies, Coke, Pepsi, you name it, the cup, can, bottle, box will always be turned in such a way that you will get a clear view of the brand name. This is a form of subliminal advertising. You don’t notice it. It is not a part of the plot. Yet when you go to the grocery store or Best Buy, you find yourself purchasing these products.

Your conscious mind was focused totally on the action, the plot, the drama. Just like hypnotic induction, your subconscious mind was defenceless, the firewall was down and they poured their message directly into your mental mainframe to be processed and stored until the next time you went shopping.

Mind Control

Mention mind control and several things begin to happen. Most people’s eye’s begin to cross, they mentally place you in the “conspiracy theorist” box which is right next to the “crazy person” box. The irony is, they’ve been conditioned to do this and don’t know it.

The Bourne Supremacy

The series is all about mind control and describes the “fracturing” technique.

It would be safe to say, billions of tax payer’s dollars have been poured into the development of mind control. They’ve been working on it and improving the technology and capabilities since WWII. The “Bourne Identity Series” is all about mind control technology. The method they allude to – fracturing – does in fact work. They create a split personality by putting a person under so much stress, in order to escape, their psyche splits. This split personality can then be programmed and called forth on demand. The base personality is often unaware of the existence of this other personality. The following brief video will give you an overview of what “mind control” is and what it can do. Remember this is old technology.

Imagine what they can do and are doing today. This is real. This is documented. This is going on today. The question is, are you able to rise above your comfort level and consider the facts being presented to you? People are often more comfortable embracing ignorance. Remember the saying, “what you don’t know can’t hurt you?” Well, that is a lie! Ignorance can be fatal. 

There are numerous patents on file at the United States Patent Office for mind control devices. I don’t know if you’re familiar with getting a patent, but it is not a trivial matter. It is not inexpensive. A lot of money in research, development, proof of concept, prototype development are all a part of the process. People invent and file patents because they hope to make millions. What you should be concerned about is whom they’re hoping to sell their products to and how it will be used.

Gun Control – Mind Control And Sandy Hook

Evolution Of An Agenda Meme

“If You Tell The Truth, You Don’t Have To Remember Anything.” __Mark Twain

When you examine the tragedy of the massacre of the innocent children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, there are some disturbing facts. If you will recall in Part II, I discussed Motive, Opportunity and Capability. These three things must be present before a crime can be committed.

The Sandy Hook shooting seems to be devoid of a concrete motive. Some are theorizing that Adam Lanza’s mother was considering having him committed, but since neither she nor he is alive to verify this theory, we should be cautious about accepting it. Opportunity and capability seem to be present. However, Adam Lanza had not up until this point, ever exhibited any signs of violence or a violent disposition.

Do people “snap?” Yes they do. However, there is usually something that triggers this. The crime appears to have been thought out and planned. There are several things that I find disturbing and I suggest you should ponder them as well.

  1. Evolution of key facts of the story.
  2. The destruction of Adam Lanza’s computer hard drive.

I have worked my share of homicide cases. I have testified in court. I can tell you from experience, the first thing an Officer coming upon the scene of that terrible tragedy, even before searching for survivors, the very first thing the Officers would do would be to secure any firearms present. Why? Because at that point, they did not know how many shooters there were and if a potential shooter was still on the premises. The last thing they would want would be for another gunman or potential gunman to step from some concealed position, pick up and use those guns to shoot Police Officers.

Thus the firearms, their type and their location would be of primary importance. They may get facts wrong, facts may evolve as more complete information becomes available, but the guns involved and their locations, that is concrete evidence and that wouldn’t change.

“The gunman drove to the school in his mother’s car, the second official said. Three guns were found — a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both pistols, inside the school, and a .223-caliber rifle in the back of a car.”  (Associated Press writers Jim Fitzgerald and Pat Eaton-Robb in Newtown, Samantha Henry in Newark, N.J., Pete Yost in Washington and Michael Melia in Hartford contributed to this report)

This was what was reported the very first day of the shooting and all through the day. Notice anything different? Today, the story is, the “Bushmaster” AR-15 was used in the shooting. How did it get from the car and into the classroom after the shooter had committed suicide?” This is a fact that should not evolve and a fact the Police would not get wrong. So who changed the story and why?

The other thing I find extremely disturbing is the destruction of Adam Lanza’s computer hard drive. If you’re going to commit suicide, what do you care what anyone finds on your computer hard drive?

“Before going on a murderous rampage last week, Adam Lanza reportedly took a dramatic step to erase his digital history: He removed the hard drive from his computer and smashed it with either a hammer or screwdriver.”

Smashed Hard Drive

What was on the hard drive that a man going to commit suicide did not want recovered?

Notice, he did not shoot up his computer. He or someone else took apart his computer case, unscrewed the hard drive from it’s mounting bracket, removed it and then went about smashing and destroying it. The questions we need to be asking are:

  1. Whom actually destroyed that hard drive?
  2. What was on that hard drive that was so important that a man going to his death, didn’t want anyone to recover?

If you want to know the truth of what happened and why, this is where we should be focusing our search. We must look behind the curtain. What we’ve seen in the media has been a production. It has been like a theater play put on for this nation.

More To Come – Concluded In Part 4

In our conclusion I will lay out the unthinkable and point to not only a possible motive for the shootings, but define whom had the capability to make this tragedy occur.