Mind Control – When Voices Are Real

mind_control_when_voices_are_real_headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

“I’ve been told, “much learning has made me mad.” I doubt that is true, since knowledge is relative. In the ocean of knowledge, my thimble is barely damp.” _Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Mind Control – The Early Years

Back in the early 50’s there was a top secret program known as “MKUltra.” You may have heard about it because it comes up regularly in so called “conspiracy circles.” Labels are such wonderful things! We can slap them on people, concepts and ideas and suddenly we know all there is to know about whomever and whatever is under our label. It is not unlike reading the cover of a book and pretending you know its contents.

MKUltra grew out of WWII. We employed some German scientist to bring us up to speed on projects that were already well under way at the close of the war. Ostensibly, the goals of the “program” were to break down human beings, modify and control their behavior by any means necessary. These means included but were not limited to, hypnosis, chemical, biological and radioactive exposure. Many of the test subjects were unwitting Canadian and United States citizens who were given LSD and other substances without their knowledge and then photographed and video taped in secret. Many test subjects died.

Mind Control - Ted Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski – The Unabomber

The assassin of Senator Bobby Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan was said to have been an MKUltra test subject. There is compelling evidence that Ted Kaczynski – the Unabomber – participated in the MKUltra experiments when he was at Harvard University in the 60’s. “The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.”

Mind Control - Senator Frank Church

Senator Frank Church (D-ID)

The project came to light and was uncovered by the “Church Committee” in 1975. The project was promptly shut down and many documents were destroyed. Many say the project simply went deep underground, which does make sense. When you’ve invested that amount of time and money, you don’t stop because you get slapped on the wrists. Mind control technology and its perfection is something a certain group of people desperately want and in my opinion will stop at nothing to get. If you can control the minds of people without their knowledge, you in essence have the power of a god and humankind becomes your slaves.

Everything Evolves – Especially Technology

On August 7, 2013, Aaron Alexis told Rhode Island police that he was hearing voices. He further went on to say that he was experiencing microwave radiation pulses that were causing his body to vibrate. He indicated that these pulses and voices were coming through the walls, floors and ceiling of his room. As a result, he changed hotel rooms 3 times that night. A few days later he purchased the shotgun he would take to the Navy Yard.

Was he telling the truth? Is there any evidence that he might have been telling the truth? December 28, 1989 Oliver M. Lowery filed Patent No. 5159703. The abstract says it is for a “Silent Subliminal Presentation System.” Commonly known as “The Voice of God Technology,” this system can cause a person to hear voices and messages directly in their brain, bypassing their ears. You can’t stop it with earplugs or by burying your head under your pillows. The messages can be pre-recorded and played on a loop 24 hours, 7 days a week and depending upon where the signal is emanating from – satellite say – you cannot escape it. Once it is tuned to your brain waves, only you will hear the voices. People standing right next to you will hear nothing.

Mind Control - Old Skool Phone

Remember these? Wasn’t that long ago.

We know this technology is real. We know they have it. We know they’re a lot further along with it than this brief video presentation indicates. Think about cell phone technology. Back in the early 90’s, if you had a “bag phone” you had something. Then cell phones shrunk to the size of a brick with an antenna sticking out of it. Next we got the flip phones. “Beam me up Scotty!” We thought we had something then. Cell phones kept getting smaller and smarter and faster. Now we have cell phones with more computing power than all of NASA had when they sent men to the moon and brought them back. These phones slip quite nicely into a shirt pocket. They’ve got built in GPS, can take high definition videos and pictures. James Bond – Sean Connery – and Q would have turned in his bullet proof Aston Martin for one of today’s smart phones.

If cell phones have evolved in such a short time period, imagine what the technology to put voices into your head has become over roughly the same period. Get the point?

A Question Of Crazy

Yes, there are people who are actually suffering from actual chemical imbalances in the brain and who are legitimately diagnosed as being schizophrenic. The danger – this is what they’re counting on – is that anyone complaining of what seems to be symptoms associated with a commonly understood ailment will be assumed to be suffering from that ailment. Thus, what they’re doing becomes lost in the noise.

Mind Control - David Berkowitz Arrest.

Arrest of David Berkowitz – Son Of Sam Killer

So, the “Son Of Sam” says he hears “Satan’s Voice” and immediately we look at that ready made label and say, “crazy!” Aaron Alexis says he’s suddenly hearing voices and feeling what he called “microwave pulses” and thanks to that label we say, “crazy!” It’s so convenient. When you began to veer off the path and start to ask, why would he go and shoot a bunch of people who’d done nothing to him, someone will pull you back in line with a single word, “crazy!” The end result is, you will never get to the truth and perhaps the real villains will never be caught or punished. CRAZY!

Gun Control Unmasked

Gun Control Unmasked Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Gun Control Unmasked

This past week we’ve experienced yet another massacre caused by a deranged gunman. I probably don’t need to describe the event because it follows an all too familiar script. Madman gets gun. Madman goes to public building where the people are unarmed. Madman shoots as many as he is able. Madman dies before he can be examined or brought to trial.

Gun Control Unmasked - Aaron Alexis

Aaron Alexis

The case of Aaron Alexis and the Washington DC., Navy Yard shooting is still unfolding. The paucity of actual facts has not in any way inhibited intrepid reporters and pundits from filling dead air with their theories and conjectures. I am not purporting to give you the facts. From my perspective, we really don’t know the actual facts. Mr. Alexis – possibly because of his work in the computer technology field – had no Facebook or Twitter accounts. His LinkedIn page was deleted some time before the shooting. To put it mildly, the absence of the normally plowed information sources, has frustrated news reporters who have forgotten how to really research a story. That whole “burn the shoe leather” thing seems to have most of them perplexed.

What Has Been Reported Thus Far

The picture we’ve been given has all the familiar disturbing elements. Like Adam Lanza of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, we’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was being treated for PTSD he acquired when he was a volunteer, searching for survivors in the aftermath of the 911 attacks. Thus both were under some form of psychiatric care. Like Adam Lanza’s addiction to video games, we’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was addicted to violent “first person shooter” video games. Both Lanza and Alexis were found with 3 guns. In both instances, the gun which supposedly did the majority of the killing was a semi-automatic AR-15 assault style rifle.

Why Aren’t They Vilifying The AR-15 This Time?

Here is the point that is unmasking the entire “gun control” argument! You see, according to current reporting, Aaron Alexis went and legally purchased a 12 gauge shotgun. Evidently, he was following Vice President Joe Biden’s advice?

What did he do with it? He traded up! When he arrived at the Washington DC., Navy Yard, he used his shotgun to shoot the guard, then relieved him of his handgun and his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. This is a common strategy used in many “first person shooter” video games. Kill your opponent, take his weapons. At this point, properly equipped for mayhem, Alexis commenced his rampage. Because of the policy of not allowing the people working in the Navy Yard to be armed, it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Yes The NRA Is Crazy Too

Just this past week, Iowa gave a concealed carry permit to a blind man. Although I am definitely pro-second amendment and a strong advocate for gun rights… I do believe that whole “…shall not be infringed part.” Nevertheless, I tend to draw the line at people who are incapable of perceiving a “sight picture” carrying firearms. It was a golden opportunity for the NRA to express some rationality by addressing this issue in a mature and intelligent manner.

That said, unless you have training in “Special Ops” particularly, “Search and Destroy Combat Training,” had you been armed and at the Navy Yard that day, your best bet would have been to barricade yourself in as safe a place as possible and with gun in hand, wait for either the cavalry to arrive or for the shooter to come to you. Armed, at least you would have a fighting chance. It is not about being Rambo, it is about having a say in whether or not you’re a victim.

In Other News

Gun Control Unmasked - Times Square Shooting

Yes, the “walker” belongs to the victim.

This week two of “New York’s Finest” shot two innocent bystanders while shooting at an “emotionally disturbed” man who was running away from them. Why is it that Gun Control advocates who have touted the need to make ordinary citizens jump through all sorts of arbitrary training and licensing hoops, are mute about this case? Had this been some “gang bangers” doing a “drive-by” and shooting two innocent bystanders, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell would have been all over this ad nauseum. They both would have been banging their drums and ringing tambourines in their shamanistic rituals to conjure up the minor deities devoted to public disarmament. Unfortunately, they fail to realize those deities wear two hats. Their other hat identifies them as the demons of the totalitarian State.

This Is Gun Control Unmasked

The simple truth is, the ultimate objective of the “gun control” movement must be an outright banning of all firearms. Even those in the hands of our military and law enforcement officers. Guns are simply tools. Like any tool they may be misappropriated by people you never intended to have them. I close by leaving you with one of the best music videos Joe Biden was ever featured in. The musical version of his “buy a shotgun” advice. Enjoy!