You Might Be Following A Judas Goat

At the slaughter house where sheep are processed, there is a goat

The Judas Goat at Work.

known as “The Judas Goat.” The Judas Goat’s job is to lead groups of sheep into the slaughter house where they are killed. Sheep have the peculiar habit of following any member of their herd who seems to know where to go. The Judas Goat is placed within the herd. It grazes with the herd, rubs shoulders with the herd and in all respects acts as though it is one of the herd. It is accepted by the herd. At the appointed time, it leads the herd to the slaughter. To be sure, eventually the Judas Goat will end up on a spit slowly roasting over the fires at a Greek restaurant being carved up for gyros. However, that is small consolation for all the sheep who willingly followed in his treacherous footsteps.

It seems the work of the Judas Goat is so effective it has been adapted to work on people. Just look around. During the last Presidential primaries, when Barack Obama was running against Hillary Clinton, Black pundits began pouring out of the woodwork in support of Hillary Clinton. Tavis Smiley embarrassed himself to the point he has not yet recovered. His purpose? To lead Black voters into the Clinton camp. At a time when all Black people should have rallied around one of their own, suddenly we were inundated with Black leaders – whom we had not elected – filling the airways to share their opinionated wisdom.

The networks dusted off faces I hadn’t seen in years. For a season, diversity was back on our televisions. This time it wasn’t “sit-coms.” Almost any network you watched, you could be sure of seeing several Black faces giving articulate opinions about the day’s events. I found it to be a refreshing change. However, it was not lost on me that over half of my newly discovered brothers and sisters were being used to further an agenda that was not my own. Obama won because of racism. Not the racism of Black people, we only make up 12% of the population. Obama won because of the racism of white people. The Republican war machine was all geared up to face Hillary Clinton. They had attack ads sitting on the shelf ready to go. They just knew Hillary Clinton would be whom they’d be facing in the general election.  After all, what were the odds that a relative unknown – dark horse literally – with a funny sounding name like Barack Hussein Obama would win in the primaries against the Clinton political machine? Did I mention that he’s Black? This is the United States of America founded on a history of Slavery. As far as they were concerned, there wasn’t a chance in the world he could win. They were caught flat footed with their britches around their ankles.

With the election of President Obama, the Republicans decided they needed their own magic Black man. Of course, from their racist perspective, we’re all the same. To this end, they elected Michael Steele and we all know how that’s turned out for them. In two words, NOT WELL! Nevertheless, Michael Steele is a Judas Goat. His primary purpose is to lead Black people away from President Obama. There is nothing in the Republican platform that benefits Black people, other minorities or poor White people. As a matter of fact, if you do not have a net worth of at least 3 million dollars and an income in the high 6 figures, the Republican party doesn’t represent you. But I digress.

Judas Goats are pervasive in our society. Most commercials and ads contain Judas Goats. From the kindly old couple sitting around the table discussing health care myths, to the 3 hicks sitting in a diner sharing their opinions on high level economic issues. They all have one purpose and that is to lead people to vote against their own interests. Judas Goats may even be in your church pulpit.

Knowing how to recognize a Judas Goat is necessary for your survival. It always ends poorly for those who follow Judas Goats. Being informed is of paramount importance. The first thing you need to know is where your best interests lie. I am amazed at how many people have been deceived into supporting Republican tax polices. Most of these people, comparatively speaking, aren’t really paying any taxes. The simple facts are, the poorer you are, the more you tend to rely on the goods and services provided by tax dollars. Poor people are more likely to live in high crime areas. They are more likely to have homes who’s wiring is such that fires are likely. They often drive vehicles that don’t get around well in the snow, so they need their streets plowed. Those who do drive pick-up trucks often live in rural areas where even with 4 wheel drive, plowing the roads is still necessary. The poor quite often have little to no health insurance, so their primary care physician is whomever is the first doctor they see at the emergency room. Yet, because they’ve been duped into following a Judas Goat, you see them at “Tea Party” rallies railing against the very policies designed to benefit them the most. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic.

When it comes to the church, particularly in the Black community, you have multi-million dollar edifices built and sustained by congregations who’s median incomes are barely above the poverty level. If you’re in a church and you know members in good standing who’s homes have been foreclosed on, and the church didn’t come to their aid, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If your pastor lives in another county from the church because that is where the high dollar real estate is, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If on Sunday morning, you can pick out the pastor’s car not just because of the monogrammed parking spot, but because it is the most expensive car on the lot, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If in order for you to be a member or your church, you have to submit copies of your W-2 form, you’re following a Judas Goat. If the deacons, trustees, elders and auxiliary heads of your church also happen to be the most financially successful members of the church, you’re following a Judas Goat. If your pastor has to have an entourage of “armor bearers” doing everything from carrying his /her brief case to helping them dress, you’re following a Judas Goat. If you’ve been contributing to the building fund for the past 10 years and the church hasn’t built a thing, you’re following a Judas Goat. It might be time for you to come up out of the slaughter house.

God gave you a brain and the gift of reason. Don’t insult God by not using your gifts. Don’t just ask yourself what would Jesus do? Ask yourself, what would LOVE DO! The Bible says, “your bodies are the temple of God.” It also says that God does not dwell in temples made by men’s hands. The church was intended to be God’s store house for the benefit of the people in their time of need. It was never intended to be the private game preserve of a pastor or his ministerial staff. The trouble is, most ministries benefit the pastor and the church more than they benefit the community.

I have an acquaintance whom prior to the crash of he housing market, was making in excess of 300 thousand dollars a year. He was a devoted and faithful member at his church. He was a devout tither. This of course put him in line to be an official at his church. For over 5 years he tithed in excess of 30 thousand a year. This doesn’t include offerings and other monetary contributions. When the housing market crashed, he lost everything. He was married with two small children. The bank repossessed his Mercedes and his BMW. He needed 5 thousand dollars to save his home. He went to his pastor and explained the situation to him. He told him of his need. He had no one else to turn to. All he needed was 5 thousand dollars. This was the same church that over the course of the previous 5 years he’d given over 150 thousand dollars. What do you think the pastor did? The pastor told him that he would pray with he and his wife that God would deliver them. They lost their home. He had to move in with his mother-in-law. Because of he stress on the marriage he wound up getting divorced. Do you think he’d been following a Judas Goat? Well, he certainly got slaughtered.

6 thoughts on “You Might Be Following A Judas Goat

  1. I’m saddened to say that I’ve met quite a few Judas Goats in my life. Keep doing what you’re doing Ben, ’cause this world sure does need sound talk.

    • Somebody told them they were leaders in the Black community and they liked it! The question I ask is, who are the leaders in the white community? Asian community? Latino community? I must have missed my invitation to the meeting where all Black people came together to elect our official leaders.

      How about this? Instead of looking for someone to follow, why don’t we figure out what’s in our own best interests? I’m always open to opinions and suggestions, but just because someone says we should march East, doesn’t mean I’m putting on my hiking boots. I may have business in the West. 🙂

  2. Outstanding article and the ending is telling, Benjamin. I voted for Obama because I researched the candidates and used critical thinking on my decision to support him…not because he is black or handsome or gives great speeches. I looked at his background, his community service work, his family life and devotion to them. I read his book and it mirrored back to the man he seemed to be in 2008. In spite of tremendous obstruction, he has not disappointed me yet. The things I’d like him to do, I know he would do them if the timing is right.

    I’m concerned over the mad rush of the Judas’ who will run for 2016. We need to work closely with this administration and congress and DEMAND changes in the system where it is not a lucrative business for the greedy to apply for leadership positions. Obama has raised the bar for candidates and we need to make sure it remains high.

    • There are and have always been those amongst *us* who have become so brainwashed, they’ve grown comfortable with second and third class status in this society. They’ve adapted, adjusted and learned survival strategies that allow them to make it through their days. Their dreams have died and they can imagine nothing better.

      For these people, President Obama by his very existence and the office he holds, represents a threat. It is a threat to their status-quo. He is a threat in that it removes all the warm comfortable excuses they’ve wrapped themselves in like a blanket of mediocrity. Now the thing they fear most has become a reality… to wit: Taking responsibility for their stations in life.

      If you’ve done all you can and can do no more… it is easy to let go and drift on the whims of fate. President Obama has punched a hole in their boat and now they must bail water. If he were white? It would be easy. White people perform very well in a society built and designed for their success and advancement. If he were born rich? Same thing. They would be able to point to his success and say, “of course, he started life with an advantage I didn’t have.”

      President Obama was born in poverty, into an interracial family when race mixing wasn’t “cool.” President Obama grew up with an absent father whom he lost at an early age. President Obama didn’t marry a white woman or an extremely light skinned Black woman. There is no indication he was accepted into white society garnering him friends in high places. He got where he is through hard work, sacrifice and a determination to overcome whatever obstacle was placed in his path.

      He removes all excuses and there are many Black people who don’t know what to do with this fact. When faced with a new paradigm, we either reject it or we adopt it. Many of our faux leaders have opted to reject. Not only do they personally reject, but like the Judas Goats they’ve become, they endeavour to lead their flocks into rejection. To me this is unacceptable.

  3. Can’t you just hear the lullaby of the Judas Goats? As for me, it will not make the top 500 in Billboard!

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